By Gambo Abubakar Kaduna
The Chartered Institute of Personnel management of Nigeria CIPM Kaduna state chapter have host the 2024 fiveth Annual Conference and Exhibition with mission to enhance excellent in people management through value creation, optimisation of human potential, standardized and regulations of human resource management.
 The this year coference titled; “Human Response to Nigeria Disruptive Landscape: Strategies for Building Agile, Resilient and Sustainable Organization” which recently held at  Stonhedge Hotel in Kaduna.
  In his addressed the President and Chairman governing Council Chartered Institute of Personnel Management CIPM, Malam Ahmed Ladan Gobir, said “Nigeria today is an exhilarating paradox- a country brimming with opportunities yet rife with the challenges.
 Its like riding a collar coaster and let’s be honest it’s no for the fainthearted.
 The president however noted that, ” as human resource professionals we are the captains of this roller coaster, we may not control the speed, but certainly steer the direction.
 The president, also noted that, according to world economic forum report, predicts that by the 2030 85millions jobs will displaced by automation, but 97milliona new roles will emerges in response to technological advancement, this is not just a statistics, it’s a call to action.
 “the illiterate of the 21st  century will notvbe those who cannot read and write,those who cannot learn,unlearn and relearns.”
 He further explained that, “as human resource professionals, we are architects of this future we design structure that will either crumble under we designed pressure or with stand the storms of disruption.
 Speaking with news men at the event, the Director General Textile Manufactures Association Logos, Alhaji Gamma Ali Kwajaffa, said” this year conference is a golden opportunity  to learns when we are in publics service to enhance ourselves professionally and plan what’s to do after retirement.
 He however noted that, the retirement training would don’t relied on, beside we should engage and considered employed farming, poultry, small and medium entrepreneurs for self reliance.
 “I urged the leaders of civil services organistion both public and private organization to emulate every things witnesses in others advance country, in order to harness,  enhance and improve the life of our retirees.”
Don’t allow them to became iddles because the empty mind is the devils workshop. He added.
 Earlier in his addressed,the Chairman Kaduna state chapter of CIPMN, Mr Emanuel Ogungbuyi, said “as an institute and a branch,  it afford the opportunity for our branch to contribute to contemporary issues within the socio+economy and organisation in publics and private sections.
 Through strategic gathering of this nature and bringing leaders of thoughts and opinion leaders to the fore,to diagnose and proffer solutions to subject matter, He added.

About andiya

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