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Ishaya Idi Garkuwan Kamantan elected As BOT Of Nigeria Institution of Estate Suveyors and Valuers for a term of 5 years

Nigeria Institution Of Estate Surveyors And Valuers Elects New Board of Trustees (BOT) the election was held during its annual conference in Ilorin on 24.6.2023 for a term of 5 years.
(1) ESV(Prof) Austin Otegbulu
(2) ESV (Otunba) Bola Onabadejo
(3) ESV Ishaya Idi
(4) ESV(Elder) Julius Uhunamure
(5) ESV (Dr) Ade oletubo

Esv Ishaya Idi, FNIVS is the only candidate from Northern Nigeria and also the 1st Deputy Prisident KADCCIMA and chairman main organising committee Kaduna International Trade fair KITF